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Welcome to the official substack of award-winning Author Jennifer Brody, the mastermind behind the popular Disney Chills brand and book series, The 13th Continuum trilogy, the Stoker Finalist graphic novel Spectre Deep 6.

I’m author of 20+ books, graphic novels, and short stories, including the Disney Chills seven-book series, The 13th Continuum trilogy, and graphic novels Spectre Deep 6 and 200, prompting Forbes to call me “a star in the graphic novel world.” I’m also the co-author of Star Wars: Stories of Jedi & Sith, where I penned the Darth Vader canon story. In addition to my books, I’m a graduate of Harvard University, a film/TV producer and writer, and a creative writing instructor. I began my career in Hollywood working for A-List directors and major movie studios on many films, including The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Golden Compass, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

In short, I’ve been there and I’ve seen it all … and I’m here to share everything I’ve learned along the (bumpy, yet rewarding) journey to becoming a published author. Not only will I give you tips to AVOID some of the painful pitfalls and mistakes I made when I was first starting my writing and publishing journey, but I’ll give you the inside EDGE by sharing industry tips and insights. I’ve been in those Hollywood development meetings and worked on the biggest book-to-film projects in history.

I’ve worked with both big and indie publishers. I’ve written original book series—and optioned them to major studios—turned existing brand IP into books and stories for the biggest names in the industry, including Disney and LucasFilm; created and sold award-nominated original graphic novels’ and penned dozens of short stories for anthologies and lit magazines. But along the way, I’ve faced more rejection than I can count (like all of us on this creative journey) and made mistakes.

I’m a self-taught writer with a background in feature film development, who now teaches creative writing workshops for award-winning schools, where I share the shortcuts and craft tools to get you there FASTER … and with less fumbling around in the dark, like I did when I was first teaching myself how to write prose.

Here’s a preliminary list of topics (and in no means complete). As a subscriber, you will have the opportunity to interact with me and suggest topics to tackle.

  • How to Get Published (isn’t this the burning question?)

  • Querying & Landing Your Dream Agent

  • Working with reps (best practices/Do & Don’t List)

  • Writing IP & how to get your foot in the door

  • Marketing & Publicity Tips

  • Creativity Hacks

  • Writing Prompts

  • Self care for creatives to avoid burnout 

  • Breaking Concepts into Stories

  • Beat Sheets & Outlines

  • Adapting Prose to Screenplay 

  • How to Get Hollywood to Option your stories

  • Worldbuilding & Place as Character in Story

  • Foolproof Novel & Story Structure (8 Points)

  • How to Write a Page-Turner (Tension & Pacing)

  • Writing Snappy Dialogue

  • Crafting Voice & Multi-Dimensional Characters

  • Writing for Younger Readers (YA & MG)

  • Writing Spooky Stories … the Dark Side of Genre

  • Elevator Pitches & Loglines

  • Kindle Vella & Serialized Storytelling

  • Indie Publishing & New Platforms

Along the way, I’ll also give you a window into the real life of a professional working author … both writing and book releases … and we can share the journey together. This year alone, I have the Disney Chills Book 7: Circle of Ter-ROAR publishing in August, featuring the delightfully villainous Scar from The Lion King with a cover reveal coming soon, another “secret” Disney project TBA that should excite fans, several anthologies with original stories, including a Weird Western (TBA) and more. I also have several projects set up in Hollywood, including The 13th Continuum, which has been optioned and packaged by a major studio … So, come along for the ride!

I promise it won’t be dull. It will keep you motivated and keep you writing … and get you closer than every to realizing your dreams & goals. Let’s do it together.

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Official Substack of Author Jennifer Brody / Vera Strange


JENNIFER BRODY / VERA STRANGE is a BRAM STOKER AWARD FINALIST and author of A SACRIFICE OF BLOOD & STARS, DISNEY CHILLS, THE 13TH CONTINUUM trilogy, and SPECTRE DEEP 6 prompting Forbes to call Brody “a star in the graphic novel world.”